What do you see while looking through the lens of a camera?
Reality? Escape? Art? Illusion?
Taking a picture is a personal act. It’s the connection between us and our inner reality.
We all take pictures as a symbol of our perspective, of our point of view.
A lot of my inspiration comes from the people. Young people, teenagers, middle-aged, old ones… But quite never from children – what a mistake, yes.
The photo you see was taken by me in “Pinacoteca di Brera” – beautiful place, full of work of arts. But you know what catched my eye? The kid in the photo. He was the most fascinating part. Because I saw so much energy (I had to take my phone, open the camera and take the photo in like 5 seconds so I could catch the little one there), freedom, carefree and happiness in him. He didn’t care about the artist that made the painting in front of which he was playing with his car toy. But he did care about how suitable it was as a playground – well, at the end I think he ended being disappointed.
When I walked outside the building, I realized what a precious gift the kid gave me – the lesson that sometimes all we need is our imagination, our created reality. That it doesn’t really matters where are you located in the certain moment, the thing that matters is where your head can bring you.
Because it’s true that the joy doesn’t come to us, we are the ones that must create it for ourselves.