
Lya- the first Mexican girl I got to know. She was my first “nighttime interview, because of the time difference we have. And our talk turned out to be a lovely conversation that filled me with positivity and happiness. Catch Lya’s sunny vibe, keep reading:

  • Is an artistic atmosphere around you that made you look up to fashion sketches or they “came to you unplanned?
    • It was very unplanned. I’ve always been into art, but went to fashion school just because I was interested in fashion, without expecting anything. Then I took master classes and felt really inspired so I thought that maybe I could practice this as a job and combine both art and fashion.  
  • You have so recognizable art style – where does your inspiration comes from?
    • It can come from anywhere, like a song I’ve listened to or something I’ve read. But I feel my mainly inspiration are the people – fashion designer, another artist or a total stranger with cool outfit combo I saw on the street.
  • If you have the opportunity to take art lessons from someone, who will you choose?
    • Oh well…hahah

I come from a very artistic family. My dad used to paint, my brother’s also an artist. So I think everybody has something to offer and I would take the opportunity for anyone. We all have unique skills we can offer to the world.

But if I can choose someone, even if it’s not a possible thing to happen, I will choose Frida Kahlo. Her art is my total inspiration. I love her style and just everything she used to do.

  • Except the illustrating, what is your favorite hobby/thing to do?
    • I like to read a lot and I listen to a lot of music as well – this is my inspiration center as I said. And these two goes hand in hand. For me reading while listening to music is the absolute favorite atmosphere.

*later I sent to Lya some of my favorite Bulgarian songs, finger crossed she gets inspired by one of them

  • Imagine you get painted – what’s the signature look you’ll choose to express yourself?
    • I would like my clothes to represent the real me, my own style. I wear black and jeans a lot, it’s the natural and simple look for me. So maybe something similar to what I’m wearing right now hahah.

*the main Interview pic is a screenshot from our talk

  • Favorite fashion quote? Let’s not forget it hahah
    • I once heard that the good designers must be a lot of different things like architectures for the body proportions. They must be interested in beauty as well, because the designers are in fact representing not only themselves by the way they dress, but also the beauty itself. They are actually selling it with the pieces they create. And this is so beautiful. The only problem I see is that people underestimate fashion industry and all the hard work we’re doing.
  • If your life was a movie, what would be the title?
    • I don’t know about the title, but I would surely want to be represented as a strong and artistic woman. About the story – I would like people to see my life as it is right now. Talking to you, making this interview while having my art that I’m proud of in front of me and all the other fashion projects in my head… I haven’t felt much happier and so me, as at the moment.
  • How you imagine this year for you – are there goals you’re willing to reach?
    • Last year was difficult for everybody. So I learned that just reset and continue with our normal lives will be completely enough… After all my life got better during all the bad things around the world and I’m feeling blessed for this fact. Since the pandemic situation I’m back in Mexico and surrounded by my family – nothing much to ask for, London can wait hahah. I’m usually located there from about 10 years, my job and most of my friends are also located there, but I’m contented with my decision, it was the right one.
  • Is there something you would like to ask yourself?
    • That’s a really good question! It’s so important to have a conversation with yourself, so you know where you’re standing and what’s the next step.

What else can I do? How far can I go with my art? How many people could get inspired by the things I do? These are the questions I constantly keep asking myself. Continuing with my art work, hopefully making people happy and helping them with it is my life goal.

Being a muse for someone is every artist’s dream, we both agree. After talking about London and Milan for a bit, we couldn’t escape dreaming of travelling and just being “free again.

Fashionista talk and pics with a cup of tea – this is the content you will see from us, when we’re able to conquer London together.

Sending you hugs, Lya

It was a pleasure!


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