Travel Essay

I love traveling. It makes me feel free to escape the everyday life and thoughts. Free to dream, inspire, learn new things and find new places, create new contacts and mostly – charge myself positively.

               But 2020 took from us these little travel pleasures and the joy they bring us. We all know that “escaping reality” during the long quarantine time was only able by “traveling” to the kitchen. Which is a great activity, yes, but when you do it two or three weeks straight… well, it’s not that lovely.

               Last month I had the opportunity to visit my town Plovdiv for few days. I still can’t believe I did it, knowing the whole pandemic situation. But maybe exactly the thought that this trip looked impossible for me, made me appreciate every little thing and detail during my stay. I knew I won’t be able to return as soon as possible as I would normally do, so I tried to capture feelings, places and moments in my mind. And you have to know that this is a hard task, because Plovdiv has that magical charm that makes you fall in love with almost everything, or at least with itself for sure.

               I realized that this tough year is going to give us some great lessons, like this one – we need to learn to appreciate things more. Because we are all used to the life and freedom we have. But we are not used to take time for appreciating them, we’re actually taking time to think only about the things we don’t own.

               While travel I usually read. I like reading different types of materials, commenting various topics – I always find something interesting. The last treasure I found was a beautiful article I read while I was coming back to Sarajevo. It was about makeup and it was telling the stories of women with damaged or absolutely lost vision.  These powerful and inspiring  women not only deny giving up on their favorite morning ritual, but the way they describe the textures, weight and form of the beauty products has nothing to do with the description that I would give for example. They feel and most of all, they see way better than us “normal” people. We don’t understand how rich we are having our freedom, in fact we are going to continue being completely blind for the world around us if we don’t start to appreciate it and slow down.

               Here you can visit the YouTube channel of one of the strong women mentioned in the article.

               I’m also posting pictures of Plovdiv, hoping that you will dive into its mood and fall in love with it.

               Fashionable greetings,

               Tedunche ✨

Christine Ha – american chef and writer

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